Tuesday, June 06, 2006


WOW! After living through that circus yesterday and wanting to demolish my TV while Chimpasaurus Rex was having his puppet strings pulled by Herr Rove, I thought perhaps today would be a respite.

I had not downed my first cup of java before running head-on into a full page ad for Ann Coulter's new piece of rabid drivel.

There was so much anger on most blogs yesterday over this amendment controversy. AmericaBlog was doing a great thing by encouraging everyone to call their senators and representatives and ask probing questions. I tried to sit back and just enjoy the frenzy.

Seriously, it's so blatantly obvious there's issues out there not being taken care of by Congress and with them spending so much time on this nonsense wedge issue, I don't understand why Americans aren't foaming at the mouth. There are plenty of people out there who are angy because this was even being considered. However, I'm not one of those.

I think it's great because it showcases what kind of representation we have and how seriously they view their positions (not very). We should all be outraged. They care more about pandering to those fundies than taking care of any real business. And it should be clear by now, based on some of the more outrageous comments, that the battle is not really even about gay marriage so much as being about the future of our nation, our constitution, and everyone's basic fundamental rights at citizens. I've never heard so much backward logic coming from the mouths of so many in one day.

This just off the wires:

The Vatican said on Tuesday that gay marriage, abortion, lesbians wanting to bear children and a host of other practices it sees as threats to the traditional family were signs of "the eclipse of God."

Pretty soon they'll be accusing us of killing God.

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