Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Gay Marriage Debate: some thoughts

Last night there was a very spirited thread on Pam's House Blend regarding whether homosexuality is a choice or hard-wired from birth.

I'm constantly analyzing in my brain why the fundies keep pushing for "marriage protection" and why they are so afraid of gays tying the knot. The higher ups who have made a wedge issue out of this are basically brain-raping the very people they claim to represent by injecting the idea that something is a threat when it isn't. And the gullible have lined up.

During the debate, Fritz said: "Um...I'm not so sure I believe that someone can be brainwashed into believing he or she is straight, Russ."

I don't think the brainwashing is about believing he or she is straight or gay. I think the brainwashing is in believing that your feelings are not only wrong, but immoral, and therefore sinful, and therefore, you're going to hell if you don't change.

So you make a feeble attempt at being something you aren't in order to buy yourself a little time, grow up, and figure it out for yourself. The problem is, some of these folks never grow up in terms of coming to terms with it, and "figuring it out."That's why we have so damn many "ex-gays", closet cases, straight while at home, gay while on business trips, etc.

Do you know why the ultra right-wingers are so obsessed over the gay marriage debate, and now thanks to Santorum, masterbation as well? They always make the point that homosexuality is a choice. And that makes them VERY uncomfortable because it means, in their warped minds, that THEY could also make the choice. Of course if you asked them, they would say "No, I am a hetersexual, I didn't choose it." Some would say, "yes I could choose to be a homosexual but that would be going against nature." Nature here, being a code word for "born straight."

How is it possible that homosexuals made the choice but not heteros.Rather than address these issues, they would prefer to sweep us all under a rug or back into the closet (or in some extreme cases, line us up before a firing squad) in order to make the "choice" option disappear and maybe it'll prevent them from feeling the temptations they have had.

For me, it was not something I chose. I've always been aware that I was male but had a feminine aspect as well, and certainly a strong physical attraction to males that only existed towards females if they were masculine enough. The fundies refuse to believe this because it would force them to confront an ugly truth about themselves.

The "choice" issue goes even deeper. Why would I choose to be gay? Could it perhaps be because gay sex feels better than hetero sex?Maybe that's what the fundies believe really. So they need a law between them and the choice THEY could make to enter into a relationship that is in their minds more pleasurable than their innate sexuality.

The funny thing is, the joke is on them. Homosexual sex doesn't feel better than heterosexual sex unless you are a homosexual. And vice versa.I could be wrong. Maybe they just don't like gays. Period. But usually there's more under the surface floating that hate and bigotry.

1 comment:

  1. I never understand the whole "choice" argument, because frankly, I don't really give a shit whether someone chooses to be gay or not. If my friend Sam chooses a blonde woman over a red-headed woman, I don't feel compelled to deliberate whether he is hard-wired to prefer blondes or whether it was a deliberate choice. So why should his reasons for being with a man instead of a woman concern me?

    Answer is, they don't. :-)
