Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wacky Letters

My usual sources of wacky letters have been remarkably quiet for the past week or so. But did find this one today:

"I am no longer associated with the Democratic Party. I’m not Republican, either. I have chosen to be a part of the Constitution Party. We are conservative because we believe in the Christian principles of the U.S. Constitution. School prayer and displaying the Ten Commandments in public buildings and Nativity scenes on public squares are what we are in favor of. We must humble ourselves and pray. Our president and our troops need all the prayer they can get. When 9/11 happened, we humbled ourselves in prayer. However, it seems that we have drifted away from that. I encourage you all to watch Dr. D. James Kennedy of “The Coral Ridge Hour.” He keeps us informed on what the ACLU is wanting to do, like remove “In God We Trust” from our money. This slogan has been on our coins since the Civil War and Reconstruction. In the 1950s, it was put on our dollar bills. It’s important that we elect Christian leaders. Most of all our country needs Jesus Christ very badly. "

The writer got one thing correct: "Our president and our troops need all the prayer they can get." Yep, all that and a shitload of morals wouldn't hurt either.

And yep, the 1950s were certainly an enviable time to be an American, and let's remember why
was put on our currency.

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