Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tis the Season of... ZAPPADAN!

"Yeah, I tell them to change the channel if they see some guy in a brown suit with a telephone number at the bottom of the screen asking for money. "
-- Frank Zappa, Senate Hearing on "Porn Rock", 1985, after being asked by Tipper Gore if there was anything on TV he didn't allow his kids to watch.

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I'm a bit late stepping up to the plate on this but it's been a rather crazy week with my work and the Weblog Award situation threw me for an unexpected loop.

Blame this on BlueGal.
December 4 through 21 shall henceforth be known as Zappadan: the days of the year between death and birth, that ethereal time when there was no Frank, so we must celebrate him to keep his spirit safe until his birthday again.

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