Monday, June 23, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Supermarket

txrad went to the store today to buy everything we needed to have veggie burgers tonight except for.... veggie burgers.

I volunteered to run get them around 7:40. I figured since I was out I might as well fetch the smallest possible bottle of tequila. I mean, George Carlin is dead. We must have a wake, right?

So I popped into my neighborhood purveyor of fine beers, wine and booze and the manager said, "You'll never guess who you just missed!"

Tommy Lee Jones had just staggered in, drunk as shit, and trying to find beer. Lucky for him, he had a sober driver. He purchased a 12-pack of Miller Lite. There goes ALL my respect for the guy.

The manager knew it was him but it was confirmed when he attempted to pay with an American Express card with his name on it. They don't take AMEX at that joint so he had to dig around for the cash.

My friend the manager suspected he'd been out at a "titty bar." He stank of "tequila and beer."

Damn. If only txrad had realized he forgot to buy veggie burgers just a few minutes earlier. I could have had a memorable celebrity sighting. But I didn't have my camera anyway.

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