Monday, June 02, 2008

Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios

I might as well get in the groove here since I want to learn Spanish. Hat tip to Pedro Almodovar for borrowing the title of his 1988 film, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. And apologies to any Über Feminists (hey, I'm pretty handy with German as well) for my choice which in no way is meant to diminish Hillary Rodham Clinton's run for the money or her as a person. Anyone at this point in the game, at the point of withdrawal from the race, would likely be in need of therapy, myself included. This is a humor blog, may I remind you. And primarily to humor myself. Anyone else is more than welcome to tag along.
In a rare departure from the campaign trail, the New York senator and former first lady planned to hold an end-of-primary rally in New York Tuesday night, inviting donors and offering to fly field staffers from around the country to attend. She had no other events scheduled for Tuesday and aides said she planned to be on the telephone calling superdelegates in a last-ditch effort to undercut Obama's lead.

Aides stressed she had no plans to withdraw from the race Tuesday night.

Bullshit. What else could it mean when she instructed staff to turn in expense reports before the end of the week?

But the fun ain't over yet. Obama says they are going to work together. Hmmmm.

Make some beautiful music, you two... please.

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