Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The July Bang

Just in time for Fourth of July fireworks. Yes, I have survived my employment meltdown last night but that's not to suggest I'm calm or that I feel good about things.

I'm feeling a bit angry about money. The fact that I have to make a decision motivated by money above all else deeply disturbs me. Unfortunately the alternative would probably be more unpleasant and might involve selling a house out of necessity rather than desire which is equally annoying. So I will plow ahead and adapt.

It's a painful decision to leave a company and a job which I truly love. If I won the lottery I'd probably keep that job.

They are probably going to "see what they can do" to keep me on but in the current economic climate I can't imagine it will be enough. And before this month ends, I'll likely be employed again with the agency where I worked on 9/11/01, barring some miracle.

I might buy a lottery ticket today. Just for the hell of it. Meanwhile, I have 5 days off for the holiday starting today (seriously, what a great company!) and I need to try and enjoy it.

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