Friday, August 08, 2008

Friday Pussy Blog: The Lucky 8s Olympiad Edition

Sissy spent the bulk of the day on the shelf behind the books. She does like to hide. Please disregard the dusty pair of shoes and the filthy old TV stand which we need to throw out. I've told you this office is filled with clutter dating back to last July when the home renovations started.

A close-up of the girl. She is so pretty and sweet and that fur is so soft. I just wanted to stick me head in there and snuggle that fur bag.

As usual, we had a rather large Tot Loaf sighting.


I loves me some big orange Cat Loaf.

I leave you with one final 8.

That makes a total of 8 pictures. Clever, huh! That's why you pay konagod the big bucks.