Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wank Happens

Back when I was around 13 I had a big crush on Leif Garrett and a few other guys who used to adorn the covers of Tiger Beat -- usually having left their shirt somewhere. Donny Osmond was another regular and while I didn't mind looking at him, he didn't give me that special oompf.

Once I was home from school, a little sick, but not sick enough to keep me in bed and away from the magazine rack at the drug store. I finally decided I'd had enough of sneaking peeks while no one was looking. I gathered up several non-girlie magazines and mixed in a Tiger Beat and something else with the hope that the cashier would either not notice or assume I was buying them for the sister I didn't have. But I didn't care if it screamed "GAY GAY GAY," I had to have my own copy to gawk at in the privacy of my bedroom.

Although I don't remember specifically getting any extra pleasure, knowing me, I'm sure there was a good wank at some point.

Somewhere in the innertubes today I found these and had a good laugh.

I'm curious if someone still clings to that lock of Leif's hair and whether anyone really and truly ever perfected the art of being a "Super Teen" just like him. And what were those 25 ways? The mind boggles. FYI, he's not so lust-worthy these days.

Question of the Day:

Who was (or still is) your 70s crush?

Ahh, who could forget Farrah hair?

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