Monday, February 16, 2009

Whole Foods Must Miss My Whole Paycheck

There are two things I miss about going downtown to work: the people and Whole Foods being across the street from the agency where I worked. As for the people, well I've got the best of that lot as friends on Facebook. Not quite the same as seeing them everyday but it works.

No longer having easy access to Whole Foods is a pain sometimes. And I'll bet they miss me too.

In 2007 when I worked for almost 11 months of the year downtown, I spent $1,740.14 there.

Contrast that with 2008 when I only worked downtown for less than 10 weeks and spent $303.46.

And in 2009 so far? $0.00

And several hundred people were laid off from the agency in 2007. That's gotta hurt.

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