Friday, December 25, 2009

Friday Pussy Blog: Christmas Day Edition

How rare for Christmas to fall on a Pussy Blog Day. Coupled with my PC cleanup frenzy which resulted in a wasted afternoon, I'd like to simply reboot.

A few nights ago I let Sweet Pea in the house and he got to re-experience the Tater Tot.

Sweet Pea's eyes are glowing from afar!

Now I present you with Tot, the Contortionist. I had been hoping to snap a shot of him in the Cat Loaf position but he decided it was grooming time.

And Sissy was still on the bed...refusing to even open her eyes.

I guess there's no point in me saying "Happy Friday Everyone" since no one worked today anyway, or so I hope. Aside from me and my PC issues. Oh well, what's a pagan to do on Christmas but work?

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