Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Pussy Blog: Political Pussy Edition

I came to the sad realization today that my cats are like people involved in partisan politics. And like our country, we're pretty evenly split.

Sweet Pea - Democrat & Liberal Pacifist

Tiger - Libertarian (in name only; basically a Republican with an Independent streak and a touch of vindictiveness) with self-interests always in mind. The less fortunate can't get anything unless he gets an equal sum because... well, that's fair and equal and balanced, right?

Sissy - Green Party/Socialist. Strongly believes in energy conservation and not adverse to using alternative energy sources like her Daddy's body heat.

Tater Tot - Republican Tea-Bagger and Tyrant.
Always knows he's right, always wants to be in control and a bit of a hawk in that he has no problems provoking others for his gain or simply his amusement. But in the end, a bit of a blowhard not unlike Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. Takes himself very seriously but is quite full of shit in reality.

Happy Friday!

Oh, let's not forget:

Joe Lieberman - Shape Shifter
Unscrupulous vermin.

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