Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusetts Revisited

I've spent the bulk of a day (when I wasn't working) dwelling on the Massachusetts election which resulted in Scott Brown being elected to the Senate to replace Ted Kennedy.

And I have a few bullet points I'd like to share:

Massachusetts, in its infinite wisdom, knows it is a liberal state.

They also know they are electing a Senator to finish out a TWO YEAR term.

They know they can discharge him after his term is up.

They know he can make a complete ass of himself in the interim, which I'm sure he will.

They also know that Obama isn't listening to the left-wing, and what better way to send a message than voting for Brown. Way more effective than emails and phone calls, and unsubscribing to Obama's emails.

Maybe they aren't so dumb after all. Not too smart when considering how the rest of the nation is going to interpret their decision. Not too smart when considering how the Deep South and the Tea Baggers from coast to coast are going to interpret it.

But, the message has been delivered. Post haste.

And frankly, I'm back to my old school no political party affiliation which I have relished since Reagan's 2nd term ended. I only voted for Obama because I liked the message. Now is the time for him to show up and grow up.

He needs to dismiss his staff and start anew. This won't happen but it needs to.

The only other word that comes to mind is Kucinich.

He was my first choice before I was for Edwards, Clinton, and Obama.

Meanwhile, I'll bide my time and wait for the Democrats to get their fucking shit together. Probably not going to happen. After all, I've been waiting for that since 1984.

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