Friday, February 05, 2010

Friday Pussy Blog: Sunny Afternoon Edition

The sun finally came out this afternoon for the first time since last weekend. Those long stretches of cloud cover and rain are one reason I haven't posted since Tuesday. Motivation becomes difficult.

Sissy was happy to see a bit of sunshine streaming through the bedroom window to warm her buttocks! She actually opened her eyes wide today. Sometimes I think I could just use the same picture of her each and every week since she is ALWAYS in the same spot on the bed at the same time on Friday afternoons.

The Tot was in the kitchen window watching the two outside boys waiting to be fed. I just noticed you can see Sweet Pea outside looking in!

The two boys waiting on some food to arrive. Sweet Pea looks surprised. I had only been out on the patio just a few seconds earlier and then I went back out with the camera. Does it look like he was expecting me to be carrying a bowl of cat food instead of a camera?

Happy Friday everyone! This one seemed to take its sweet fucking time in getting here, I must say.

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