Monday, February 08, 2010

Monday Bonus Pussy

My friend Elizabeth sent me a picture of Lily so I decided to share since I have nothing else to report.

I'm a little mentally spent after Super Bowl night, and the subsequent Monday at work which ended with a call from my mother telling me everyone who had died or is dying, has cancer, etc.

And then we touched on politics which I usually try to avoid.

Mom: I still like Sarah Palin.

Me: Did you see where she was being interviewed and had written her talking-points on the palm of her hand?

Mom: Well, I don't care. Sometimes Obama screws up when he's reading from the teleprompter. Everyone in Washington is so crooked, but especially the Democrats.

Me: Not just especially the Democrats. ALL of them are corrupt.


Part of me wishes Sarah Palin would get elected just so the people stupid enough to vote for her could see the end result for four long years. But then I have to slap myself because the people that stupid actually want what she might bring to the table.

The mind boggles.

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