Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Fucking Sense of Humor

The Fucking people are happy with the idea, but the Fucking mayor isn't too pleased about a German firm which plans to make a beer called Fucking Hell.

Yes, the common English term for surprise and/or frustration is now a brand name thanks to a German firm which has been granted permission by the European Union's Trade Marks and Designs Registration Office to brew beer and produce clothing under the name.


"Hell" in fact is a term for light ale in southern Germany and Austria, so see, it all makes sense.

Still, the mayor of Fucking isn't too pleased with the notoriety that this beer, which is set to be released in August or September, is going to bring to his town that's already had 12 or 13 signs stolen over the years. According to Radio Netherlands Worldwide, though, Fucking residents voted to keep the name recently despite the problems caused by tourists who just can't help but take pics in front of the traffic sign on which the village's name is printed.

Tourists need to grow up. It's just a Fucking sign. I just cannot grasp the mentality of people who would drive out of their fucking way (oops, pardon my French!) to get a Fucking picture of a Fucking road sign, or worse: steal the Fucking sign.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go apply for a passport, consult my European road atlas, and plan a Fucking vacation. I'll find a little Fucking hotel or B&B close to a Fucking bar where I can take a short Fucking walk and raise a pint of Fucking Hell before retiring for an evening of sweet Fucking dreams.

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