Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March: In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

This has been a strange month. Two weeks ago today was the first day of a long recovery after my fall the previous night. My face looks much better although there's still some blood in the white part of my eye, and there is a definite indentation at the left side of my left eye where the orbit is broken. I can't really tell from looking at my face that my cheek bone is broken. However, it's very obvious when I try to eat or open my mouth wide. And the numbness on the left side of my face is really irritating sometimes.

It's also been two weeks since I had a drop of any alcohol. Sixteen or seventeen days ago I would not have considered that a possibility. Funny how life can turn on a dime when it needs to. And I can't help but see the irony that I'm now sleeping better than I have in years, and generally feel better than I have in years, with more optimism than I've had in years, all while having at least 3 broken bones in my face.

In spite of my progress, the countdown to surgery is under way. I go in for a pre-surgery appointment and physical on Thursday after lunch, and then surgery is scheduled around dawn on Friday. I've never had surgery before so this has been weighing heavily on me, but I'm honestly so tired of not being able to chow down that I am looking forward to it, and to the permanent recovery after that.

I just hope the post-surgery recovery goes faster than the first time around when I was sipping food through a straw for a week and then easing my way into soft meals. Without a doubt, I have a few more days of straw sucking starting on Friday. The month of March is shaping up to be one big blurry month of discomfort from start to finish.

I am, needless to say, looking forward to April. I will turn 50. And that's not a bad thing either.

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