Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Weekend of Chores

I'm not sure I could document everything I did around the house this weekend but I'll try.

Saturday: Gathered up some books, VHS tapes, clothing, a 5-disc CD changer, and a portable DVD player for Goodwill. Hauled enough crap out of the house to fill the dumpster. I cleaned the kitchen and did several loads of clothes, and watered all the outside plants. I cleaned litter boxes and gave the tub/shower a once-over cleaning prior to taking a shower. Then I took the stuff to Goodwill and stopped at the liquor store to give the manager some cherry tomatoes I had picked from the garden.

I came home and organized all the Tupperware in the cabinet prior to making dinner (but not prior to getting a wee bit drunk).

Sunday: I wasn't sure I'd be able to get motivated two days in a row to do anything, but I did. I had to run to Home Depot this morning around 9:00 to get a string cartridge for the weeder. I then trimmed a much-needed path through the tall grass out to the garden. After that, I gathered up all the bathroom rugs and two kitchen rugs for washing. Then I starting running the vacuum. And I vacuumed thoroughly. Most pieces of furniture got moved so I could vacuum under and around them. Good and thorough. I did two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two hallways, the den, living room, kitchen, office and lastly the utility room.

The living room was the most time-consuming with two big chairs and a sofa to move as well as three tables. In the end, I rearranged the furniture just a bit: swapped out the positions of two chairs, moved a table and repositioned the sofa about two feet further back in the room away from the TV.

I took out one houseplant which looked like crap, cut off dead stalks and re-potted the one healthy part of the plant. Hopefully it will survive. Then I decided to go back to Home Depot and pick up another houseplant. I ended up buying six. One of those has already been re-potted and is sitting in its new home in the living room. It's the one you see on the right.

I want a few plants in the office after I get done cleaning and organizing in here. Incidentally, that was my primary project for this weekend -- and I did get some done in here; it just wasn't my primary focus. I figured I should focus on the rest of the house during the weekend, and I can work on the office during breaks throughout my workday since I'll be sitting here anyway.

The Tot is already trying to dirty the coffee table. I need to get over the notion that it is possible to have a spotlessly clean house when there are four animals living in it: two cats and two humans.

Those 3 on the green bench were already here and are doing OK. I won't show you the sickly one.

The next 3 pictures are the other plants I picked up. What a great surprise for Sheldon... maybe. Hopefully he won't have internet access while on his trip and check the blog. And maybe it won't be much of a surprise either way since he takes care of the plants!

SURPRISE! Six new babies!

I'll try to be nice and get a few more of them re-potted before he gets home Tuesday night.

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