Friday, October 07, 2011

Friday Pussy Blog: Pussy Chair Edition

I have taken Friday off and therefore can get the Pussy Blog up earlier than the usual 6pm!

Sissy has Sheldon's old office chair. When she needs to take a break from sleeping on my bed, this is her favorite place.

Jessie Lee has my old office chair, although she prefers Sheldon's new office chair when he isn't sitting in it. Sometimes Sheldon comes in and lifts her out of his chair, and then for some odd reason he needs to go wash his hands as if the girl is dirty or something, and when he comes back, she's in his chair again. This could easily be a vicious circle except I'm asked to participate in the 2nd removal.

Bad boys don't get a chair. But before you start feeling sorry for the Tot, just be aware that he actually prefers the floor over any piece of furniture with the exception of the kitchen table (only if there's a box on it). He likes this spot because he can basically monitor movements throughout the entire house from that position.

Happy Friday!!

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