Sunday, November 02, 2008

Linens & Things & Deception

txrad and I decided to take a swing through Linens & Things today since they were having a "Going Out Of Business" sale complete with a big sign in the front window proclaiming, "Now Hiring." Pity the poor fool who applies for that job!

Anyway, the "up to 40% off" and more signs plastered across the front of the store didn't quite materialize once inside. I immediately started looking at sheet sets which were reduced a dismal 10%. Shit, that barely covers sales tax. Can't they do better than the 20% off discount cards I used to receive in the mail?

As I browsed, it became obvious most of the (China manufactured) shit in the store was reduced only 10% to 20%. We walked away without a purchase. Plenty of people were walking away with huge bags stuffed with goods.

Fools. Go to the outlet mall. You'll get better prices.

Good riddance, Linens & Things.

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