Sunday, November 02, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

It's a damn good thing I'm not a fan of the Texas Longhorns. Aside from their crushing defeat by Texas Tech while being ranked #1 in the US, I might be so distraught as to post a request for sex online.

From craigslist:
I'm not out, don't want to be, date girls.... but have tried stuff with guys before. In a bad mood tonight after watching the football game and still kind of drunk.

Wantng someone cool and discreet to help me out tonight. Pretty picky though so be good looking, in good shape, and able to prove it.

Hopefully he's feeling a little better this morning. Christ, it's just a game! I hope he's not a big McCain/Palin supporter. If so, what would he be in the mood for on Tuesday night?

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