Sunday, November 02, 2008

What's Up With These People?

The Undecideds.

Let's say the Republican nominee is Susan Collins instead of John McCain. Then I could understand this concept of being undecided.
“I do not like being an ‘undecided,’ ” said a sheepish Doug Finke, a 66-year-old executive at an international relocation service in Louisville, Ky. “Last time at this point, I definitely was decided. Not this time. I find it unnerving.”

Mr. Finke, a Republican, voted twice for George W. Bush. He describes himself as an economic conservative and said he had been “very impressed” with Senator John McCain. It sure sounds as if Mr. Finke is leaning toward Mr. McCain, the Arizona Republican, right?

Not so fast.

“I’m socially more liberal,” Mr. Finke said. “I think Obama is bright and has been very steady in this campaign.” He added that it would be “very exciting for the United States to elect a black president.” Besides, he does not think Mr. McCain’s running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, would be ready to step into the top job if something happened to Mr. McCain (who, Mr. Finke pointed out, “is pretty old”).

Where does this leave Mr. Finke? “I plan on doing a lot of reading this weekend,” he said.

Enjoy your weekend, Mr. Finke. I'm really glad I'm not wrestling with the big question.

Mr. Finke's wife is in the same (swift)boat.
“I’d say I’m leaning towards McCain,” she said. “For as awful as things are with this Republican administration, there’s something about the whole conservative thing that appeals to me.” Put her down as “leaning McCain” then.

“But maybe I’ll vote for Obama,” she said. “How many days are left?”

The "whole conservative thing?" Normally, that article in today's New York Times would have simply infuriated me. For some odd reason I find it humorous today. This allegiance to nebulous labels is actually quite funny.

How do I feel today? Well, I love red, but I'm feeling a little blue streak. I may vote blue, but gosh, I sure would love some more red. I'm not sure if eight years of red was enough. Blue sure looks nice though.

Holy crap. I'm now counting the hours until this is over.

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