Miss Communication strikes again, like Miss USA tripping over her evening gown.
Even though my "exit interview" was today at 2:30, my last day is still Friday. The notice of the exit interview came with the proper protocol of "bring your badge, laptop" etc., which led me to believe I was outta there today.
Wrong ASSumption.
They were just getting a head start.
I had a 1 1/2 hour exit interview. Who among us has ever had one that long? Consider that to be the Question of the Day. I let it all hang out, as only a konagod would.
I also was rushing to get a 2nd opinion on my March eye exam so it would be covered under my current insurance plan. That was at 10:30 this morning. And I spent another $340 on a $900 pair of glasses -- state of the art progressive lenses with a pair of frames that were actually on sale today -- closeout style.
Insurance covered the rest, including the eye exam. And the eye doctor was HOT. Like Curt Cobain. Shit, that was worth $340 right there.
$600 is just for the lenses!
Anyhoo, I got back to the office by 12:00 and did a day's worth of work between then and 2:30 when I expected all my computer access would be shut off, before I knew I was good til Friday.
This is working out OK though because txrad has another round of dental work on Friday which was going to be over $600 out of pocket for us without insurance.
So, to cut a long story longer, I'm planning to work Thursday morning only and be home in the afternoon for equipment setup and any current work emergencies, and then go to the office again on Friday as a formality for a few hours and then get the hell out.
Nobody said this was going to be an easy transition. I worked my ass off today.
But workstuff arrived today, so this must be for real.

I'm feeling jazzed. So many people at work are jealous of my arrangement that I cannot not select this as the theme song of this post. And as I was previewing it, txrad came in and said, "that's the one."
Consider it done.
I was a DJ at a college radio station in Fayetteville, Arkansas when this album came out and I added it to my playlist immediately. I think that was 1979.
And the album graphic seems to fit the television test pattern theme I have in my sidebar.
What more could one ask?
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