We brought Sissy in to be a house cat shortly after this photo was taken. The two boys stayed outside. Coal Pot and Sweet Pea were inseparable and often slept atop one another so that it appeared to be one cat with two heads.
Sadly, Coal Pot disappeared one day and never returned. I've always hoped he wandered into a neighbor's yard and was taken in by somebody as he was a gorgeous cat.
Sissy inherited her mama's thumbs. She's very happy being a house kitty.

We do occasionally let Sweet Pea come in the house to spend some time with his sister. It's rarely more than an "oh,hey howya doin, bye" visit, if even that much acknowledgment!
Hope your Friday went well! Happy weekend!
Oh, yes, I'm not going to end the Pussy Blog without giving everyone a Tot shot, so have no fear.

That boy still LOVES that small box.
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