It doesn't bother me, nor am I particularly turned on by it, even as a gay man. I don't have saliva running down my chin. I'm not the least bit concerned that an unscheduled erection in the mall is going to blow my cover. Not so for the American Decency Association.
One of several evidences of Abercrombie & Fitch returning to their old patterns of displaying risque pictures. Another picture inside the store displays a topless female with hands covering her breasts.
Oh, heaven forbid, another breast episode. It's a body. It's natural. Get over it. If it makes your heart begin to race and you fear going to hell in a handbasket, just get control over your emotions. Pretty simple really. But it's more fun to stir up a big media stink and get some publicity for your fledgling organization.
Needless to say, they are calling for a boycott. Here's a better idea: Buy your own mall, only rent to Christian businesses and shop there!
Want to know what indecency is? this and this and this one.
But you won't find any mention of those on the ADA website. And that's my definition of obscene.
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