I listened until the song ended just to see what the station was up to. The two disc-jockeys, a man and a woman team, sounded like your run-of-the-mill professional morning drive time jocks until they said this: "Isn't it great to see young people kneeling and praying at a court house, or the post office, worshipping our Lord and Savior."
Interesting. I wonder if this evangelical Christian format is going to be the hot new trend in radio. Then they began encouraging listeners to participate in this "Prayer at the Pole ." At first I thought they were talking about polling places until I realized they were referring to FLAG POLES.

What would Jesus think?
I can telll you what I felt. Disgust. I listened to this for as long as I could stand it -- about 5 minutes -- and switched over until I found something more secular.
I'm not knocking this for people who are into that kind of thing. If there's a market for Christian rock music on FM radio, and DJs urging young people to pray at flag poles, more power to them. But praying at a pole? I'm fighting all kinds of humorous temptation but I shall resist.
I'll see those people at the POLL. Pray for your country. I'll vote.
crossposted at B3
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