One cat food bowl had washed from near the utility room door all the way across the kitchen to the living room. The kitchen was soaked, the carpet in the den and living room is soaked several feet into each room. It's a mess.
I walked across water standing in the backyard to check the rain gauge. We'd had over 4 inches and I suspect that must have fallen in a very short amount of time.
This necessitated yet another in a series of trips to Home Depot -- this time for a wet vac.
I just hope it will get a lot of the water out of the carpet. I don't even want to think about the damage to the TV stand. That thing wasn't cheap.
txrad is having fun with his new toy.
Meanwhile it has started raining again. I have no idea what we're having for dinner, but konagod needs a stiff drink.
UPDATE: 8:58pm. Kona has his strong drink. We got the TV removed from the stand (the TV weighs about 300 lbs and the stand another 100 lbs or so. The bottom was wet on one side but should be fine. We moved it into another part of the house to dry. The carpet padding is what was holding the bulk of the moisture.
I have a feeling we're going to have to pull up the carpet in both the living room and den, which is fine with me.
Meanwhile, I'm very concerned about my Samantha, who is in terrible health right now. She's dying and that was my intention today when I left work early to come check on her and I'd have time to take her to the vet if she hadn't already died. That plan got sidetracked.
She's been busy checking out all the goings on around here tonight but she looks like hell and probably isn't long for this world. But that's another chapter, another post, another day.
I'm tired. I'm going to get drunk.
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