Email them to me at konagod "at" konagod "dot" com.
I seem to be lazy this week. Not posting since Monday morning and soliciting guest cat bloggers for Friday. Hmmmm. Not only am I being lazy, but I'm severely overworked this week.
And speaking of cats, Monday evening I was playing with Tater Tot in our kitchen. I was squatting down to pet him and he was getting a little too frisky. Rather than risk getting bitten or scratched, I quickly jumped up, not realizing how close I was to our countertop which extends out about six inches from the cabinets. I slammed into the edge of it with my back. It impacted squarely on a hip bone and I was in agony most of the day on Tuesday.
It's somewhat better today but still very tender and sensitive. Not fun.
Meanwhile, I'll leave you with this combination vomit/hair ball du jour... hope no one is eating or about to eat. OK, I'll be nice and make it considerably smaller than the image I was working with prior to cropping and resizing. Yeecchhhh.
Because I'm such a nice guy, I'm leaving that treasure for txrad to clean up.
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