Maurinsky sent in a couple. Here's Casimir, "he's the most handsome cat," she adds. Yes indeed, he is.
And I love this one of Medouc she submitted, the "queen of all she surveys."
This next one came from Sherry with the following comment:
"She had a rough life before we got her. She has 1 eye and broken teeth but she is a sweetie.
Bob, a lynx point siamese. My big boy but a real chicken and Layla's servant.
Both lying in the sun pretending to sleep but really looking out for ferocious chipmunks!"
Rebecca, who came up with the idea for this gang-bang pussy post, sent her sweetie Gidget who is listening:
"I am talking to her from the other room, and she is pretending not to pay attention. But, of course, she hears every word."
Very true. They DO hear every word, and they understand as well. But compliance is not a cat virtue.
txrad surprised me with a few shots of our Tater Tot drinking from the toilet. Thank God I had cleaned the latrine a few days earlier or I would not be posting these.
If only he'd learn to shit in there instead of doing it behind the TV.
Here's my own contribution, also the Tot, taking care of some office paperwork which I probably should have filed months ago.
This is also the perch from which he supervises our work when we're home.
And here's a classic from the kona archives of Sissy and Samantha napping on daddy's bed.
Lastly, Elizabeth sent this one in a while back of Georgie and Lily in the ultimate feline poses. Georgie is the one who's head you see. I have no idea where Lily's head is; he must be sitting on it. I think this is hilarious, so it deserves a repost.
Happy Friday everyone! Now, let's get to drinkin' and having a relaxing weekend! This post was more work than I imagined!
You know, someone always comes thru at the last minute, and this week's award winner is Jacq, who has submitted 3 classics:
Sweet little Raney in the front door:
And finally, one of the most evil looking demonic cat poses I've seen in a long while. Stormie is a megafine demon, for sure:
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