Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I hate to brag but...

Damn! I love Austin. I bought a bus pass today. I thought they were $17 monthly which is the rate that includes the express bus. As it turns out, the bus I ride isn't considered an express bus even though it gets on the freeway and we have about 9 miles without any stops. The bus pass which includes my route is only $10. And that's for a 31 day pass, regardless of the number of days in a month. This means I can go to and from work for 25 cents or less each trip.

There's a grocery store where I do the park & ride and they sell bus passes so I bought one today. This is just too lovely. I was able to get away from work a bit early today and caught a bus at 4:50 and I managed to get from downtown to the park & ride, went across the street to the store to buy a bus pass and then still got home around 5:35.

I am beside myself with excitement. Sorry I keep blogging about bus service but I told you when I started working the blog posts were likely to get erratic, not to mention eccentric.

I've read the comments everyone left in yesterday's post and I'm deeply sorry for those of you not blessed with the level of service we have here. I picked up a book of bus routes with a big fold out map on the bus this morning and I'm just amazed.

There's even an insurance policy you can buy -- I swear I think it said it only costs $5.00 per year -- and if you miss the last bus you can take up for 4 taxis home per year and they cover the cost.

How socialist is this town anyway?

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