The good news is.. txrad has an interview on Monday at the same place where I am gainfully employed. Wish him luck. It's chaos and I know without a doubt he can bring some sanity into the situation. The cats aren't going to like both of us being out all day but hell, it's more money for cat food in the long run so they need to understand the BIG picture.
So, here's my Tater Tot just a few moments ago. Top picture: he's checking out my inbox, probably wondering why I never touch the stuff. It's all bills anyway, so why bother.
Middle picture: He's standing in front of the monitor. He was wondering why my site meter has dropped substantially this week. (Hell, bitch, I have to work for a living; I've got no blogging time!)
Bottom pic: He knows that laptop from work doesn't belong on my desk. He has to check it out.

I sure do miss spending days with my boy but he seems to not have a problem making up for lost time when I get home in the evening.
What's everyone else up to tonight? It be FRIDAY!
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