This is Sissy.
Not long after we moved to Austin, a neighbor’s black cat started to hang around our house. Not surprising because I am a cat magnet. She was sweet though and was a polydactyl – with the extra toes. She hung around so often I finally named her “Big Thumbs.”
Big Thumbs got pregnant as they so often do. I don’t know where she had the kittens but at some point she brought the 3 of them to our back patio and said, “here, you can take care of these when I’m gone.”
There were two males and one female. The males were black, one with short hair, one with long hair, and the girl kitty had more orange long hair. I named them Coal Pot, Sweet Pea, and Sissy. Sissy was named for the Sissy Hankshaw character in “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues” who had the oversized thumbs. Like her mother, Sissy had an extra digit.
After the kittens had grown, Big Thumbs disappeared. One of the neighbors had moved away and I assume she belonged to them and they took her with them. Big Thumbs knew what she was doing because we do provide mighty fine accommodations here.

Sadly Coal Pot disappeared one day as well. I think he might have gone to another yard and they took him in. That’s what I hope. He was sweet but not the brightest bulb in the pack. Sweet Pea is still around and will be the subject of next week’s pussy blog.
We invited Sissy into the house to live with us and the other girls, Samantha and Jezebel. No regrets aside from the near total destruction of a sofa, wingback chair and ottoman!
Sissy enjoys hanging out with her daddy, swishing her bushy tail around, and nudging me. When she meows she sounds like a pigeon cooing! She's sweet!
She's sweet?
But you're sweet for sure!
Miss Holly Golightly Capote
Your girl kitties really have their Daddy's number! Lucky grrrrls!
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