Time for my little flag rant today.
I would first like to address the idiots (family, friends, acquaintances, & strangers) who have sent me emails with sh!t like this in it.
Why the hell should you even be upset about pressing "1 for English?" When you complete that task, you've only got about 18 more pressings to go before you get connected to a human (if you are lucky), and don't we know you're going to be pissed when that human happens to be in India?
What is your problem exactly? Are you just lazy, a racist or both? My apologies to anyone who may be reading who has no fingers.
And I've had similar emails coming from the same bunch advocating all sorts of nasty little things being done to illegal immigrants, and the tirades thinly mask their anger at anyone who isn't pearly white, legal citizens or not. I sometimes wonder do these people only eat "American" food? BBQ, steakhouses, McDonalds?
Thank God for our immigrant culture which gives me options for dining that I would not be happy without. Indian cuisine, Tex-Mex, interior Mex, coastal Mex, Thai, Chinese, and supposedly there's even a Chinese influenced Indian restaurant here which I must try soon.
I enjoy being around other cultures and skin colors. It reminds me of the beautifully diverse world we live in, and our country which has long been a crossroads for everyone.
I would like to print that graphic and give it the burning it so richly deserves, before it becomes unlawful for me to do so.
And now as our beloved Senate has temporarily moved on from trying to enshrine bigotry into our constitution by eliminating any options for queer folks to have any legal reconition as couples, they are taking up the issue of a constitutional amendment banning flag burning to make damn sure no one dare use their symbol (yes, that very item that soldiers die for in wars, as opposed to dying for the freedoms specified within the constitution) for any kind of protest against the policies or actions of the United States Goverment.
I am so proud to be an American. Damn, it's a good feeling to know that things in America are so ideal, our Senate has nothing better to tend to than this.
Click here if you yearn to burn
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