I got 3 shots of the Tot and then the camera battery went dead. The camera has been getting a workout the past few days and weeks. So I used the cell phone to get a shot of Tiger and Sweet Pea on the patio. I'm surprised that isn't dead from all the creditor calls this week.
Meanwhile Sissy fled the scene. It only requires a very minor disturbance to send her running.
Tot: "Yo, fucker! Put down the camera and fill the bowl before I draw blood."

When the dirty looks don't produce the immediate desired results, he can always draw my attention to the empty bowl by staring at it.

No worries; everyone is happy now!

I think I am happiest of all because we are at the end of another grueling week. And it's week #4 of my re-employment, if you can believe that. Oh my, how time flies when you're having fun.
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