Saturday, September 09, 2006

Is Keith Richards in Austin today?

Txrad and I went out for lunch at Curra's Grill today and as soon as we sat down at a table in the corner facing the outdoor patio, I saw someone very recognizable. My mind said "Keith Richards." I didn't verbalize anything. Txrad immediately asked me to look outside at the "interesting table." Honestly, there were several tables of interesting people which I why I enjoy going there, but I knew who he saw.

We kept discussing it. I was facing the guy so it was quite easy for me to stare without obviously staring. The guy had the road wear & tear that only 4 decades of world tours could bring to a face and body. He was wearing a brown felt hat with a funky band around it with symbols -- skulls perhaps, and a western symbol -- I can't recall exactly. He wore sunglasses -- again rather unique -- and had rings on his hands. He was smoking. And I noticed a long white shark tooth earring in his left ear. His teeth were crooked. He was wearing a dull pink shade of sneakers. It would be plenty easy for someone to look like Keith. But this guy had that smile. Some things you can't fake.

He was with 3 other people, two men and a woman, all of whom had "Music Biz" written all over them.

Coincidental? If it wasn't him it was the best impersonation I have EVER seen.

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