1. Favorite Car?
I can only have one? I have a car fetish so this won’t be easy. I’d have to say that sexy 1966 Lotus Elan featured in the Avengers series back in the 60s that Emma Peel would take flying down those narrow roads in the English countryside.

I also am very fond of Aston Martin's from the 50s and 60s.
2. Favorite Car you've ever owned?
It’s a tie between a 1978 BMW 530i and the 2003 330i which I currently have. They’re just fun to drive and built like a brick shithouse. I had a 1964 MG once that was a total piece of shit but it was fun to drive, and was the only convertible I’ve ever owned.
3. Car you would be embarrassed to be seen driving?
4. Next car you plan to buy?
Both cars are paid off and I am in no financial condition (or hurry) to buy another one. However, I would find a pickup very useful sometimes.
5. Next car you would buy for daily use if money were no object?
Probably a Maserati Spyder.

6. What bumper stickers or other decorations, if any, do you have on your car?
None. I’m holding out for some kind of digital sticker that allows you to change the message with a Bluetooth link from the laptop or cell phone. There’s always something I’d like to say to people who tailgate and it varies.
7. Average annual miles you put on your primary vehicle?
About 7,500. There are advantages to working from home.
8. Describe your driving style.
Mostly cautious and conservative in busy areas. I try coasting to red lights to save fuel. Someone usually feels they have to zip around me – you know, it’s important to get to that red light as fast as possible. Having a MPG indicator on the dash is useful and I love being able to pull 50-60 mpg over downhill stretches.
9. Average highway cruising speed.

Actually my average cruising speed is around 77 but if I can do more I will on a long trip.
10. Fastest you've ever driven?
About 110 MPH and just for a few seconds. I'm comfortable up to about 90, anything above that makes me nervous, and anything over 100 makes me very nervous. It would be fun under controlled conditions.
11. Do you race people at stop lights?
I have on occasion if someone has been tailgating and then moves to the other lane at the light thinking I’m going to drag my butt when the light turns green. Depends on my mood. Most of the time I just amuse myself by wondering how long it’ll be before they plow into somebody.
12. Will you cross a solid yellow or double yellow to pass someone?
Only if I’m sure it’s safe and it happens to be a piece of farm equipment going 15 mph or something. Not if it is someone driving 50 in a 55 zone.
13. Do you tailgate or flash your high-beams at people in front of you?
14. Worst accident you've ever been in?
None that would qualify. However I was hit by a car pulling into a street when I was riding a bicycle. That was not pleasant. I wasn’t seriously hurt but was basically bedridden for a couple of days due to extreme soreness.
15. About how many speeding tickets have you gotten?
Probably around 3 or 4 but none in the past 3 years, and only one in the past 15 -20 that I can recall.
16. Ever gotten a DUI/DWI?
No. I did drive home from a club in the 80s after tripping on acid. That, my friends, is not something I’d recommend.
17. What kind of car repairs and/or maintenance can you do?
Ha! I can put air in the tires and change them; I can check the oil. I have replaced a headlamp once. I’m much better at breaking things.
18. Have you ever modified a car you own from stock?
If I didn’t answer this question in the answer above, then read it again.
19. What do you listen to while driving?
KGSR mostly. On long road trips I’ll take along a bunch of CDs for those nether regions of the US with only boring cookie-cutter radio stations, although some of those can be entertaining at times.
20. Favorite driving song?
Really depends on where I am. I like the music to be a part of the environment. When I’m in the Delta I like the blues. If I’m driving through fields of corn, I like John Cougar Mellencamp.
21. Do you use an air freshener in your car, and if so, what scent?
22. Messy or clean?
Aside from dust, very clean. I can’t stand clutter in a car. One of my biggest pet peeves is that grime that builds up on the inside of the windshield which makes it impossible to see when the sunlight hits it in the late afternoon. It makes me go ballistic.
23. When you and the spouse/significant other go out together, who drives?
Usually me.
Bonus Question, not part of the orginal meme, but I can't help myself:
24. Which car do you consider to be so ugly it makes you cringe when you see one?

Scion xB - just put a wire handle across the top and it could be Chinese takeout.
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