After getting the door back up, lo and behold it still was scraping. I took it down again, got out the hacksaw and quickly figured out that wasn't going to work for the very small amount of wood removal needed. I also found a little course round thingey which I attached to the drill, but all that managed to do was just buff the bottom of the door; it wasn't actually removing anything.
Finally I resorted to the sandpaper again, rubbing briskly until I could feel it heating up from friction. After 2 or 3 minutes I stopped and hung the door. I did not expect that I had removed enough to stop the door from scraping but I was successful!
Feeling pleased with myself I decided to tackle some cleaning of the cabinets in the laundry room. I was startled by what I found. In one cabinet was a shoebox and when I opened it I found two sanding blocks, a brick of wax, and some hotel bathroom products dating back to 1992. As I said, organization is key to finding things you need.

Two packages of shampoo from the 1992 Singapore trip, some soap and a shower cap from Loews New York around 1993. There were also three mini-sewing kits.
In the other cabinet I found pet medications for Samantha dating back to 1997 and a Folgers coffee can which contained some congealed ex-liquid substance completely unidentifiable. But it was starting to eat through the bottom of the can.
It really is a good idea to occasionally inspect the abode.
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