Got my Arlo fix today -- most of it, while on our way to Swad for our traditional holiday thali. It's 6:30 here and I'm still bloated.
Today also marks the 6-month anniversary of this blog. This blog also surpassed an important threshold of 10,000 visitors early on Monday. Thanks to all of your who either dropped in for 10 seconds or have hung around for most of the past 6 months.
I came very late to the blogosphere. Once I started visiting a few blogs on a regular basis, I decided it might be fun to start a blog, mainly because I have a curiosity about technology, and more importantly, I wanted to do a Friday cat blog! I knew two of my friends who love cats would visit, and therefore I'd be guaranteed 2 visits per week. Anything else would just be bonus material. I wasn't sure what else I'd have to say or if I'd keep it up.
I've had a grand time watching the little bloglet grow. I was filled with glee the first time I had 25+ visits in a day. I watched my Site Meter daily and realized if I kept posting on a regular basis, I'd perhaps surpass the first important number: 1,000. I've also been a tad obsessed with tweaking my Blogger template to make it more "me." Some folks like to tinker under the hood of their cars; I like to tinker with templates.
The "virtual" friends I've made during this time have been one very unexpected benefit of the experience as well as the one I actually cherish the most.
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