Sunday, August 27, 2006

I hate it when that happens...

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It really pisses me off when a group of demonstrators get together in public, make a couple of statements that I agree with and they happen to be.... NEO-NAZIS. Gross!

It happened in
Madison, Wisconsin which is a bit of a surprise. The 64 neo-Nazis were met with hundreds of protestors during the Saturday rally.

Neo-Nazi speakers demanded Bush pull troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan (that's the good part) and place them on the Mexican border with orders to shoot to kill (hmmm, they were making sense until the "shoot" part). They also denounced corporations for destroying the planet. (Good point!) Several punctuated their speeches with shouts of "White power!" and "Seig Heil!"

Awww, lost me again. Just go home and blow your pathetic brains out. I'll stick with Ralph Nader.

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