Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Another protest against homophobic artists

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I am officially and proudly joining other bloggers in protest of this event scheduled for July 18.
HoustonVoice and others are covering the story.
Author, activist and blogger Keith Boykin , in a blast e-mail sent July 10, said the concert must be stopped because giving such anti-gay musicians a platform only furthers homophobia.
The LIFEbeat website is here.
Jody Miller, publicist for LIFEbeat, said “We know some of the problems of their lyrics, but our belief is that the dialogue is good. Education and enlightenment can help the artists see the broader picture."
Why bring in anti-gay rappers to raise funds for a disease that heavily impacts gay men? “There is tremendous sensitivity to that,” Miller said.
“Our board and staff thought long and hard about it. But we believe the potential benefits to the community will outweigh the potential negativity.”

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