Condi said she would return to the Middle East "when it is right" but gave no timetable, dashing hopes she would launch a new Middle East peace drive on Friday. However... Bush & Blair have other plans. See next story below....

More than 420 people, mostly civilians, have been confirmed killed in Lebanon and 51 Israelis, including 18 civilians, have died since the conflict was triggered on July 12 when Hizbollah captured two Israeli soldiers and killed eight.

Meanwhile back at home, British Prime MinisterTony Blair, shown in a stock photo above, is meeting with El Presidente Shrub in Washington to discuss the "deteriorating Mideast crisis."
B&B said Friday they want an international force dispatched quickly to the Mideast but said any plan to end the fighting must address long-running regional disputes to be effective.
Bush also announced he is sending Condi back to the region on Saturday to negotiate the terms.
"This is a moment of intense conflict in the Middle East," the president said. "Yet our aim is to turn it into a moment of opportunity and a chance for broader change in the region."
Sorta like Iraq? Is it time to shit a brick yet? We'll see.
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