Fresh off the trail of G8 buffoonary, the Clown-in-Chief has vetoed the stem cell research bill as expected.
Bush said legislation easing limits on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research "crosses a moral boundary" and is wrong.
A moral boundary was crossed, but it was crossed by his daddy who didn't put a condom on his schlong the night he and Barbs did the big nasty and conceived this obnoxious warthog.
This presidency has hit a new regressive low today.
"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life of the hope of finding medical benefits for others," Bush said at a White House event where he was surrounded by 18 families who "adopted" frozen embryos not used by other couples, and then used those leftover embryos to have children, also referred to as "snowflake" families.
Of course Senator Brownback of Kansas weighed in with one of his prized intellectual gems: "We're talking about fragile early human life. It should be treated as sacred."
...And once you're born, FUCK YOU!

A jackhole photo op on the South Lawn of the White House on Tuesday
Is this week over yet??
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