Thursday, January 03, 2008

A Final Word On The Iowa Caucuses

And if you believe the title of this post, you obviously don't know me very well.

If Iowans are smart, and I know most of them are (but are they participating in the caucuses?), they will forego style and stick with experienced substance.

I cannot emphasize enough the challenges this nation faces now, and will certainly face as we enter the second decade of the 21st century. Now is the time to step back, take a deep breath, comprehend what we are facing, and elect someone who can fix some wrongs.

Correcting the mistakes of the Bush Administration -- all 8 years of it -- is no small undertaking. We need an adroit individual -- with shitloads of actual experience -- to tackle the problems. I am convinced John Edwards is the person best capable of doing it. And not only doing it, but being best able to survive for a 2nd term.

Although I would love to see the day when the United States has a person of color or a woman, or a woman of color leading this nation, the current lineup strikes me as a recipe for disaster in the elections of 2012. And another disaster is the last thing we need.


And Chris Matthews...what the fuck crawled up his ass and died?

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