Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Quelle surprise! And pardon my French.

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Bush said he is "inclined" to believe that the United States needs to increase the size of the army and the Marines.
"2006 was a difficult year for our troops and the Iraqi people."

So true. So was 2003, 2004, and 2005. And so will 2007. He also managed to work in his new favorite word: "foment."
The enemies of liberty ... carried out a deliberate strategy to foment sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shia. And over the course of the year they had success," he said.


Bush also explained a striking shift in position — his statement on Tuesday that the United States is neither winning nor losing in Iraq, contrasted with his insistence at a recent news conference that it was "absolutely winning."

He said his earlier comments were meant to say that, "I believe that we're going to win, I believe that ... My comments yesterday reflected the fact that we're not succeeding nearly as fast as I had wanted."

Gee, what would it be like if we were clearly losing? I think after almost 4 years of this crap, to be neither winning or losing sounds like another truckload of manure ready to dump.

How about this: "We're not succeeding..." End of story. Based on obvious facts, I'm not "inclined" to believe otherwise.

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