Saturday, December 30, 2006

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

As I try to remove from my mind the ugly spectacle of a man's life being sucked out while dangling from a noose (so "tastefully" done, I might add), let's see what else is going on in the world today.

(AP Photo/Aijaz Rahi)

Wow. It sure didn't take long for the anti-American protests to start up. And no, this wasn't happening in Iraq; it's in Bangalore, India.

That's not to suggest things were quiet in Iraq. Just hours after Hussein's execution, a car bomb exploded in a fish market killing at least 31. More than 50 Iraqis were killed today in various events.

(AFP/Qassem Zein)

While I was drinking away my troubles last night awaiting confirmation that the dangling had ceased, it seems our president was relaxed and... well....asleep, if you can believe the friggin' news.
"The president concluded his day knowing that the final phase of bringing Saddam Hussein to justice was under way," deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel said.
That's not justice; it's murder. At least Bush is right about one thing: the violence will continue.

Oh cool! Pictures are already coming thru the tubes...

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