Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Trivia Question

There's a video at the bottom of the "Generals & Majors" post below. Answer this trivia question and earn valuable KonaPoints™:

Name the band and the song. No, that's way too easy.

Name the well-known (OK, relatively well-known) personality in the video who is NOT a member of the band and you'll earn 20 valuable KonaPoints™. If you can also name the person's relationship to the band, I'll throw in 10 bonus KonaPoints™ for a total of 30.

Now, there's nothing to redeem the points for at the moment. Oh, for about 50 points I might consider sending you some of my dirty underwear. But for 30 points all you get is a digital photo of my armpit or something.

Collect and save! Down the road they can hopefully be redeemed for a konagod coffee mug or t-shirt. Far better than my underwear or armpit photo. Guaranteed.

Obviously, the points only go to the first person who answers the question in the comments. txrad got it so how hard can it be? But family can't earn points. :lol:

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